Where do we source our teas from?

Tea Sourcing

The first thing I want to say is how happy I am that this question becomes more and more asked. I think we as consumers are not just getting more concious about what we put into our bodies but where did it come from, and how was it produced? You see in the tea world this can be a huge difference not just it taste but are you actually getting any of the amazing benefits tea can provide. Also we believe strongly as a company that the heart of the tea industry is with the farmers and tea makers overseas, many who are unfairly paid and treated. Let us explain not just where and how we source our teas, but why it's so dang important.

Tea is such a delicate plant that this can really change the flavor and even kill off some of the benefits tea can provide. We are so excited to be getting to the stage as a company that we are being able to now buy directly from the farmers who grow and harvest tea themselves. This allows us to make sure they are being compensated fairly as well as support farms and and tea factories that provide safe and fair labor practices.

The majority of our tea comes from the southeastern part of china. That is where we source teas such as our Chun Mee Green Tea, Flowery Orange Pekoe Black Tea, and several others. We source teas such as our Matcha, and Sencha Green Tea from the island of Japan. Teas like our Assam and Darjeeling Black Tea come from the mountains of India. Some fun others are our Yerba Mate from Argentina, Rooibos from South Africa, and Oolong from Taiwan. Although it's hard to source local ingredients with tea, we do get our Peppermint from central Washington and the honey from our Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai from bees right here in Spokane. 



Revival Tea Co.

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