Re-Steeping: The Secret of Tea Pros

Re-Steeping Tea

What if I told you that if you're using your loose leaf tea for only one cup you were throwing away not just good tea leaves but also money away? It's true, most loose leaf teas can be steeped several times. If the tea inside of a tea bag or sachet is whole leaf tea like we use at Revival Tea Company then that can also be re-steeped. But re-steeping truly is an art form varying from tea to tea with some helpful tips to make you a tea drinking pro.

Black, White, and Green Teas are all good for 1-2 re-steeps after the original cup. It is important to remove the tea each time from the water however if you will be re-steeping. Some do choose to increase the the time or even temperature when making each re-steep and it's truly fascinating to watch each cup evolve. Oolong and Puerh teas are particularly great for re-steeps with some being good for up to 5 cups. Flavored teas and herbal teas are typically not great for re-steeping though.

The most important thing in all of this is that it truly is a preference. Some tea drinkers love the art of re-steeping, some like a strong bold one time use for each cup.  Make sure to re-steep within a few hours of the first cup as once the wet tea starts to decompose it will loose flavor. Some of our Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai fans push a canister for well over 100 cups of tea, which tea will you decide to re-steep?


Revival Tea Co.

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