What is White Tea?

What Is White Tea?

A delicate cup of White Tea, tea in its purest form. But what is it and what makes it so special? Why was White Tea reserved only for Rulers and Emperors? Is it to tea what white coffee is to the bean world? Let's find out...

Like Black Tea, Green Tea, or Oolong Tea, White Tea comes from the same Camelia Sinensis plant. The main difference is that White Tea is harvested before the leaves open fully and then is quickly dried to prevent oxidation. See other types of tea are rolled or withered to start the oxidation process and then depending on the type of tea aged for a few hours before applying heat to end the oxidation process. White Tea on the other hand is simply picked and dried. The pure delicate taste of White Tea truly is tea in it's purest form and is my personal favorite cup to just drink all day long. And yes in ancient Chinese times the young white tea leaves were reserved for Emperors and Rulers so yeah your fancy too. So what's the caffeine content like in White Tea?

Here's where things get real interesting. White Tea actually has the same caffeine content as Black Tea but due to an enzyme in the tea the caffeine is actually released slower into the blood stream. You know how a strong black tea can give you that Caffeine rush and then crash similar to coffee? With White Tea you absorb the caffeine slowly although in its entirety and have no crash as it also wears off slowly.  If your looking for a tea to drink all day long that won't lead to a crash or hourly trips to empty the tank give white tea a shot!


Revival Tea Co.


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