What is the best Green Tea?

Green Tea has a following all of its own. This slightly oxidized version of the Camellia sinensis plant comes in many flavors, forms, and are packed with health benefits. So let's dive into just a few of the different Green Teas to choose from.

See White Tea is unprocessed or un-oxidized tea (we'll get more into this another day). Green Tea is always rolled or withered to start the oxidation process and then stopped after a very short while using heat around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Most Green Tea will come in a loose rolled form, however Japanese Matcha has become very popular in recent years being a stone ground Green Tea. Matcha is shade grown the last few weeks before harvest which drastically boosts the antioxidants found in the tea and has a very unique almost semi grassy taste.

One of the lightest tasting Green Teas you will find is what is of the Young Hyson variety. This tea consists of young leaves and has a light, but full taste with almost a buttery finish. A Chun Mee Green Tea which is Revival Tea Company's signature Green Tea is slightly darker with almost a dusty appearance.  The taste of this Chinese Tea is a little less acidic and less sweet than some other Green Teas. Gunpowder Green Tea is another Chinese Tea that is rolled into the shape of gunpowder pellets . The rolled shape allows the leaf to protect more of the aroma and flavor with smaller pellets representing smaller or higher quality than their larger leaf counterparts. We use Gunpowder Green Tea as the base of our delicious Green Mint Tea that is then finished with Washington grown Peppermint leaves. And then there is Sencha, the sweet Japanese Tea that to this date is the best selling tea on this island. This iconic tea is also the base of our Citrus Green Tea that we finish with Lemon Peel as well as our Tropical Green Tea that we add pineapple pieces as well as papaya and cornflower petals.

There are so many wonderful cups of Green Tea it can truly be an exploration to taste and learn all of them. Some other fun Green Tea's are roasted Hojicha from Japan or a Jasmine flavored Green Tea finished with Jasmine petals not to mention Genmaicha which is a Bancha Green Tea finished with popped and toasted rice. Aside from the wonderful tastes of Green Tea, there are also many health benefits including containing bioactive compounds that can fight cancer, improve brain function, help prevent cell damage, reduce inflammation, and aid weight loss just to name a few.  Let us know what your favorite Green Tea in the comments!


Revival Tea Co.

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