10 Teas To Try This Summer

Teas for summer

Summer is definitely here, even if we're sipping our tea through a mask. Maybe you're drinking a lot of iced tea in the summer months, or maybe you're a tea fanatic that regardless of the weather has their hot cup in hand! I thought about naming this particular blog after '10 things I hate about you' and trying to fit tea in there somewhere, so thankfully for everyones sake I didn't. That being said let's talk about 10 teas you've got to try this summer.

1. Mango Tea

mango tea

Our best selling tea during the summer months, this black tea includes real pieces of Mango with the yellow splash of marigold petals. Preferred on ice, make a pitcher of this for the summer BBQ and you'll wish you made more.

2.Tropical Green Tea

tropical green tea

What our Mango Tea is to black tea, this tropical green tea is to green tea. Using sweet Japanese Sencha as it's base, we then add real pineapple pieces and cornflower petals. An easy drinking sweet treat with a bit of tartness that you can sip on a hot summer afternoon.

3. Lemon Ginger Tonic

lemon ginger tonic

Although it's our newest herbal blend, this may be my new favorite summer herbal . We blend lemongrass, ginger, licorice root, peppercorn, and turmeric powder to make a sweet cup with the mildest of spiciness on the back end. If you want a caffeine free option to go back to glass after glass this might be the one.

4.Campfire Blend

campfire blend tea

I first started blending with Pine Needles for our seasonal 'I'm dreaming of a chai Christmas'. A few months laster I launched our now famous Northwest Breakfast Tea that has taken on a huge audience of tea drinkers looking for a cup to bring them home. So when I came up with the inspiration for our campfire blend, I wanted to create a tea that could take you back to the summers of past all while creating a new summer favorite . From the early reviews, we may have just done that with this blend.

5. Ginger Peach Tea

Ginger Peach Tea

If your looking for a tea that's not too sweet but also has little fresh ginger spiciness we've found it. This black tea has real peach and ginger pieces in the blend. A tea that once discovered, keeps tea fanatics coming back for more. 

6.Wild Berry Hibiscus

wild berry hibiscus tea

I always call this the wine of teas. Rose hips, elderberry,  and hibiscus make up a sweet but tart cup with the fragrance of a fresh basket of summer fruit.  Add a little sugar or simple syrup to really bring out the sweet fruit flavor.

7.Passionfruit Tea

passionfruit tea

This black tea has pure passionfruit extract which gives it a very fruit forward flavor. If you like passionfruit this tea really hits the spot. Also my personal favorite flavor of our tea sodas we serve in shop.

8.Lemon Mint 

lemon mint tea

You'll be hard pressed to find a more soothing herbal blend than our lemon mint. Real ingredients include Peppermint Leaf, Lemongrass, Spearmint Leaf, Lemon Verbena, and Lemon Balm. Yeah this blend rocks.

9. Blackberry Tea

blackberry tea

A black fruit tea blend that's more on the subtle side. This blend plays on the mild sweetness of berries, all while carrying the weight of a strong brew on the back of a substantial Black Tea. This is the tea if you want a dark and mildly sweet cup.


10. Chai

chai tea

When we first started Revival, we would go camping and bring our sun tea jar along with our original blend( the only blend we had at the time). We would show up, set up our campsite along with the jar of Chai sun tea and enjoy the sweet spicy blend glass after glass for the entirety of the camping trip. Our original blend still to this day makes one of my favorite cups to sip on all summer long!

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