Discover Young Hyson Green Tea

Young Hyson Green Tea

One of my favorite parts of working at our Retail Shop in downtown Spokane is the ability to interact with tea drinkers just like you and answer questions. You can see someone browsing our collection and trying to decide. That's when I get questions like what's your favorite Green Tea? I typically answer these questions starting with explaining this is like me choosing a favorite child. Although I do love all of our teas there is a single origin Green Tea that I continue to go back to time and time again: that tea is Young Hyson Green Tea.

With a name meaning "before the rains" this tea produces a golden cup that is full-bodied and due to the young leaves, possess a hint of natural sweetness. Off the eastern coast of China, on the island of Taiwan, young green tea leaves are harvested and twisted into long threads to create this tea. To me Young Hyson is a light cup with a ton of flavor and almost a buttery sweet finish. You could call it an entry level Green Tea for those wanting to avoid any bitterness but to me it's just refreshing and flavorful.

The young buds that are picked to create Young Hyson contribute to the light sweet flavor. Great as a hot or iced tea I continue to find this Green Tea in my weekly rotation. If you're yet to give Young Hyson a try check it out!


Revival Tea Co.

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