Revival Tea Academy: Sleepy Chai

Today at Revival Tea Academy we're going to talk about our Sleepy Chai tea. This is a tea that has so many fans. We started our company with our Fresh Crafted Spiced Chai which is a Black tea however this tea serves an alternate purpose, we use a Rooibos Chai as the base. Rooibos is a a red tea from South Africa that has very calming effects, it is often prescribed to people with anxiety. We also add Chamomile which is very calming, lastly we add a heavy dose of valerian root (which has been used since Egyptian times as a sedative). 
To make a cup of our Sleepy Chai you'll take one tablespoon of tea per eight ounces of water. If you're using a tea bag that will suffice as well. Next take 212 degree water (water to a boil) and pour it over our tea leaves. Now set a timer for 6 minutes, after six minutes you'll pour the tea over a hand mesh strainer. If you're using a tea ball or tea bag, now would be the time to remove that. 
When you take a sip there's something about this tea that's very comforting. Valerian root isn't the most pleasant taste in the world so we really needed to bury it inot the blend. Along with the Rooibos Chai and a little bit of chamomile to sweeten it up, we think it's the perfect cup right before bed. You can find our Sleepy Chai here available loose leaf and in tea bags
Revival Tea Academy
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